We know you have questions. We've done our best to provide a few of the most common questions we receive with answers. If you have additional questions feel free to contact us.

Yes. Likely even more. Our dentist expert Dr. Stephen Howard, D.D.S. has been in practice for over 40 years!
Yes. We will gladly spend a few minutes with you on the phone to discuss the major issues before requiring any payment.
Yes. So long as it accommodates their busy schedules they are willing to fly to various states for trial or deposition.
We know some doctors tend to charge through the nose and then provide little to no support for your case. We do our best to provide reasonable fees that correlate with the work needed.
Of course. Our dentists have testified in a variety of cases.

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Great Experience

Dr. Howard was very knowledgable and a pleasure to work with!

John S.